The Ticket Clinic, A Law Firm is proud of the following facts:
We have 14 full time lawyers utilizing a team approach with our cases.
Over 100 legal assistants to answer calls.
We are available 7 days a week.
We have 21 real physical office locations.
Over 1 million traffic ticket cases resolved.
Thousands of criminal and dui cases resolved.
We handle tickets in every Florida county.
Featured on today show, inside edition, speeders fight back and more!
Traffic Rules Committee members (past and present).
We have combined more than 100 years of attorney experience!
Attorney in firm author of nationally published book on traffic defense.
Evening, weekend and holiday appointments. We work around your schedule!
We are the firm leading challenge red light cameras in Florida.
numerous appeals at no charge to clients for red light camera cases.
Employ lobbyist in tallahassee to protect interests of Florida drivers.